Tennor Criminal Legacy Chapter 6

Generation 1 – Chapter 6

In Transition

While Lucky is still working hard to oust the current Emperor of Evil, Anthony is working on the next generation.

Trying for Baby

Benny works out every day. He has achieved his LTW of rolling in cash mostly thanks to Lisa and Anthony’s nightly forays into town. Also due to these nightly raids, Lisa has achieved her LTW to have $50,000 worth of stolen property in her possession.

Life Time Wishes

Elvira has caught on fire a couple of times during her inventing.



She spent some time digging with the Miner and found a pink diamond.


Elvira is still taking her inventions to the local consignment store. She has worked her way up to level 5 in the Inventing career.

Consigning Items

She still digs at the local junkyard too.

Junkyard Junk

Anthony met a local cop at the park. They didn’t hit it off at first.

Meeting the Law

But Anthony’s charismatic ways won her over.

Best Friends

Lucky loves to spend time looking for evil doings.

Evil Logic

Lisa seems to be a little ill.

Morning Sickness?

While in the garden weeding, Lisa discovered she was expecting.


After spending so much time in the garden she went for a shower and then decided to go a play Gnubb.

Skinny Gnubb

When she told Anthony that she was expecting, he was so happy and listened to her tummy.

Happy Dad

While waiting for the happy day, Lisa spent time painting.

Painting up a Storm

Lucky has worked his way up to the Emperor of Evil’s right hand man. He is considered a Supervilain now. Both Anthony and Benny have become Con Artists and work well together. Tina has a LTW of mastering the guitar and painting skills. She is about halfway there on both. Elvira has a request from the Military to go to Egypt and learn what she can about Senet. So the next chapter will be coming soon.

About MerryWiddow

Avid Sims 3 fan. Love TV and reading. Family important in my life. You will often find me at The Sims Creators' ConsortiumI.
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4 Responses to Tennor Criminal Legacy Chapter 6

  1. Buttonsginger says:

    I am so glad to see this update, I really enjoy this family. LOL Skinny Gnubb!

  2. EuphorialQueen says:

    Glad you decided to update. I wondered what happened with this family.

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